Eye bags tend to give us a tired look that also makes us seem older than we actually are. While they’re not considered a serious medical condition, eye bags are an everyday reminder that can affect how we feel about ourselves. But thanks to modern clinical research, there are ways to get rid of eye bags to revive a refreshed look that boosts self-esteem.
Regain control of your skin by reducing the visibility of undereye bags! Here are some tips that help you understand how to treat eye bags, the causes of eye bags, and how to prevent eye bags from developing.
What are eye bags?
Eye bags appear differently from person to person. Symptoms of bags under the eyes include:
- Mild swelling or puffiness
- Loose or saggy skin bags
- Appearance of panda eyes or dark circles
It’s also possible to have a combination of two or more variations of these symptoms. Regardless of which type you have, eye bags result in a fatigued or older appearance.
How can I get rid of eye bags and dark circles?
There are several options for treating eye bags, ranging from at-home remedies and clinical treatments that also promote skin whitening.
Home remedies
These DIY remedies temporarily help reduce your eye bags at no cost. Some home remedies are:
- Applying a cold compress. Cold temperatures reduce puffiness by constricting the blood vessels under your eyes. Consider using two metal spoons as a DIY cold compress by chilling them in the freezer before pressing them against your eyes for around 20 minutes.
- Adding an extra pillow. Laying flat on the bed as you sleep causes fluids to pool underneath your eyes, leading to their puffy appearance in the morning. To avoid this, simply add another pillow to elevate your head more.
- Using natural gels and oils. Aloe vera, for instance, is known to have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties which help ease eye puffiness. Consider massaging some aloe vera gel on your lower eyelids for about 10 minutes before wiping them off with a clean cloth.
Coconut oil is another moisturizing natural remedy. To help get rid of dark circles under your eyes, just apply a few drops of virgin coconut oil on them and let it stay overnight.
Clinical treatments
The home remedies above may help remove your eye bags naturally, but clinical treatments promote a more prominent and permanent solution. Some medical options on how to get rid of eye bags include:
- Undergoing surgery. A blepharoplasty is a lower eyelid lift that smoothens the lower eyelid area by repositioning or removing the underlying fats and tightening the muscles around the eyes.
- Injecting fillers. This is a more noninvasive option wherein a jelly-like substance is injected into the undereye area to make the skin’s surface smoother.
- Peeling the undereye with chemicals. A chemical peel treatment removes old skin from the undereye’s surface to reveal the younger, brighter skin underneath.
- Rejuvenating laser treatment. Laser treatment is another effective, noninvasive option that helps get rid of dark circles underneath your eyes by removing the darker surface skin and stimulating the growth of collagen. This resurfaces the younger, firmer skin underneath and gives you a refreshed look.
Undereye whitening like laser treatments use techniques that target skin concerns even beyond eye bags and dark circles. For example, Facial Care Centre’s B-Glow Laser Treatment promotes brighter undereyes and can also be used to correct other dark patches on the skin. This includes hyperpigmentation found in the neck, elbows, knees, or underarms. With this revitalizing treatment, you can expect brighter, smoother skin in just a few sessions.
Be sure to consult a medical professional before trying out any kind of eye bag remedy. This helps ensure that you’ll receive the treatment that works best for you.
What causes eye bags and dark circles?
Before considering how to get rid of eye bags and dark circles, it’s also important to examine what’s causing them. One or more of the following factors can cause eye bag formation:
Eye bags can be a physical trait that runs in the family. For instance, thin, fine skin is more “transparent” and makes underlying eye muscles and blood vessels appear darker.
Our skin naturally loses collagen over time. Without it, our skin becomes less elastic and saggier in appearance. This can also cause fluid to leak into underlying eye tissues, leading to puffiness.
Medical conditions
Having a pre-existing medical condition is another possible cause of eye bags. For example, having puffy eyes can be a sign of allergies or a thyroid problem. Be sure to regularly consult your personal doctor to monitor your health, especially if your concerns with your eye bags persist despite treatment.
Several lifestyle factors also cause eye bags to develop or complicate the treatment of eye bags. These include:
- Stress and lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation and stress are linked to higher levels of cortisol, a hormone that your body releases to regulate your metabolism and blood pressure. Having too much cortisol can lead to inflammation in your body which causes your eyes to appear puffier.
- Imbalanced food and fluid intake. A diet that consists of high salt intake and not enough water causes your body to be dehydrated. To stay hydrated on its own, your skin will try to retain as many fluids as it can in different parts of your body, even underneath your eyes.
- Smoking. Studies have shown that smoking lowers the level of Vitamin C in the body. This can affect the skin, since Vitamin C is important for your body to produce the collagen that keeps skin elastic.
How can I prevent eye bags?
Since lifestyle choices also cause eye bag formation, it’s essential to develop healthy habits to prevent your eye bags from worsening. Here are five tips to consider in eye bag treatment so its effects last longer:
- Watch what you eat and drink. Avoid food with high salt content to prevent dehydration and opt instead for those rich in Vitamins A and C (e.g., carrots, oranges, pineapples) to take advantage of their anti-inflammatory properties. Avoid consuming too much alcohol as well since it also causes dehydration and excess fluid retention in the body.
- Exercise regularly. Moving around activates our bodies’ lymphatic system, which is responsible for carrying excess fluid away from our tissues. Given that fluid naturally pools under our eyes while we sleep, having some early morning exercise can help get rid of eye bags.
- Wear sunblock. Sun exposure can also lead to darker circles under the eyes due to the skin producing more melanin. In addition, the sun’s harmful UV rays damage the collagen that keeps your skin firm. To protect yourself, remember to put on your sun protection daily and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
- Avoid stress. Because the hormone cortisol can lead to inflamed and puffy eyes, it’s best to control the amount of stress you experience. Consider participating in relaxation activities, such as yoga and meditation exercises to keep your cortisol levels manageable.
- Get enough sleep. Taking care of your eyes will always involve getting enough sleep, which lasts around seven to nine hours for most adults. Aside from allowing your body to regenerate itself, a good night’s sleep also keeps your cortisol levels low and leaves you feeling more refreshed in the morning.
Treat Eye Bags and Rejuvenate Your Skin with Facial Care Centre
There are several options you can take to treat your eye bags, including DIY remedies and clinical treatments. If you’re hoping to find a quicker and more painless solution, Facial Care Centre’s B-Glow Laser Treatment is a noninvasive procedure that requires zero downtime!
Given that Facial Care Centre has years of industry experience, you can be confident that your skin will be handled with the utmost care by our skin experts. Contact one of our specialists today and say goodbye to dark circles and hello to brighter, more youthful skin!